7 Times Table - Explanation & Examples (2024)

7 Times Table - Explanation & Examples (1)The 7 times table is a very important multiplication table. Seven is a prime number, and it has a great significance in our lives; for example, the number of days in a week and the total number of continents in the world are 7. Seven is also considered a lucky number in some cultures.

The 7 times table is a table that contains multiples of the number 7.

Learning and understanding the 7 times table is essential for solving multiplication, division, and factorization-related mathematical problems. It also helps in problems related to calculating the total number of weeks in a month or a year, etc.

Unlike previous tables, the 7 times table is somewhat difficult as it does not follow any simple patterns. This topic will present some tips that will help students learn and memorize the 7 times table.

You should refresh the following concepts to understand this topic better.

  1. Basics of addition and multiplication.
  2. Five times table
  3. Six times table

7 multiplication table

We can write the table of 7 as:

  • $7\times1 = 7$
  • $7 \times 2 = 14$
  • $7 \times 3 = 21$
  • $7 \times 4 =28$
  • $7 \times 5 =35$
  • $7 \times 6 =42$
  • $7 \times 7 = 49$
  • $7 \times 8 = 56$
  • $7 \times 9 = 63$
  • $7 \times 10 = 70$

Different tips for 7 times table:

As we said earlier, the 7 times table is considered a difficult table to learn and memorize. So, whats makes it tricky and difficult? The answer is that 7 is a prime number, and it is only divisible by itself and 1.

Furthermore, the addition method (adding 7 to 0, then 7 to 7, 7 to 14, and so on.) generates numbers that follow no simple and identifiable pattern. Still, some tips and tricks are useful for learning the 7 times table, as discussed below.

Using the 6 Times table: If the students have memorized the six-time table, this is one of the easiest methods to learn the 7 times table. In this method, if we add natural numbers in increasing order to the multiples of 6, we get the 7 times table.

The first multiple of 6 is added with the first natural number, i.e., 1. The second multiple of 6 is added with the second natural number, i.e., 7 and so on. This method is presented in the table below.

Six Times Table


Six Times Table

$6\times {\color{#cccc00}1} = {\color{green}6}$

${\color{green}6} +{\color{#cccc00} 1}$${\color{red}7}$$ 7 \times 1 = 7$
$6\times {\color{#cccc00}2} = {\color{green}12}$${\color{green}12} +{\color{#cccc00} 2}$${\color{red}14}$

$7 \times 2 = 14$

$6\times {\color{#cccc00}3} = {\color{green}18}$

${\color{green}18} +{\color{#cccc00} 3}$${\color{red}21}$$7 \times 3 = 21$
$6\times {\color{#cccc00}4} = {\color{green}24}$${\color{green}24} +{\color{#cccc00} 4}$${\color{red}28}$

$7 \times 4 =28$

$6\times {\color{#cccc00}5} = {\color{green}30}$

${\color{green}30} +{\color{#cccc00} 5}$${\color{red}35}$$7 \times 5 =35$
$6\times {\color{#cccc00}6} = {\color{green}36}$${\color{green}36} +{\color{#cccc00} 6}$${\color{red}42}$

$7 \times 6 =42$

$6\times {\color{#cccc00}7} = {\color{green}42}$

${\color{green}42} +{\color{#cccc00} 7}$${\color{red}49}$$7 \times 7 = 49$
$6\times {\color{#cccc00}8} = {\color{green}48}$${\color{green}48} +{\color{#cccc00} 8}$${\color{red}56}$

$7 \times 8 = 56$

$6\times {\color{#cccc00}9} = {\color{green}54}$

${\color{green}54} +{\color{#cccc00} 9}$${\color{red}63}$$7 \times 9 = 63$
$6\times {\color{#cccc00}10} = {\color{green}60}$${\color{green}60} +{\color{#cccc00} 10}$${\color{red}70}$

$7 \times 10 = 70$

  • Using the 5 times table: This method is quite similar to the above method. 5 times table is easier as compared to 6 times table, so those students who haven’t learned and memorized the 6 times table can use this method. In this method, the multiples of 5 are added with even numbers in ascending order from top to bottom.

    For example, the first multiple of 5 will be added with the first even number, i.e., 2. The second multiple of 5, i.e.,10, will be added with the second even number, i.e., 4, and so on. The resulting table is the 7 times table.

Five Times Table

Addition of Even Numbers(Answer)

Six Times Table

$5\times 1 = {\color{green}5}$

${\color{green}5} +{ \color{#cccc00}2}$${\color{red}7}$

$ 7 \times 1 = 7$

$5\times 2 = {\color{green}10}$

${\color{green}10} +{ \color{#cccc00}4}$${\color{red}14}$$7 \times 2 = 14$
$5\times 3 = {\color{green}15}$${\color{green}15} +{ \color{#cccc00}6}$${\color{red}21}$

$7 \times 3 = 21$

$5\times 4 = {\color{green}20}$

${\color{green}20} +{ \color{#cccc00}8}$${\color{red}28}$$7 \times 4 =28$
$5\times 5 = {\color{green}25}$${\color{green}25} +{ \color{#cccc00}10}$${\color{red}35}$

$7 \times 5 =35$

$5\times 6 = {\color{green}30}$

${\color{green}30} +{ \color{#cccc00}12}$${\color{red}42}$$7 \times 6 =42$
$5\times 7 = {\color{green}35}$${\color{green}35} +{ \color{#cccc00}14}$${\color{red}49}$

$7 \times 7 = 49$

$5\times 8 = {\color{green}40}$

${\color{green}40} +{ \color{#cccc00}16}$${\color{red}56}$$7 \times 8 = 56$
$5\times 9 = {\color{green}45}$${\color{green}45} +{ \color{#cccc00}18}$${\color{red}63}$

$7 \times 9 = 63$

$5\times 10 = {\color{green}50}$

${\color{green}50} +{ \color{#cccc00}20}$${\color{red}70}$

$7 \times 10 = 70$

Paired Tables:
This method involves using paired tables and is only effective if the students have learned and memorized all the previous tables by heart. This method is the quickest method to learn the 7 times table, but it works only for the first six multiples of 7.

We know that $7\times 1 =7 $ and $1\times 7$ is also equal to 7. Similarly, $7\times 2 =14$ and $2\times 7 = 14$. So, if we have memorized the previous tables, then we can draw a paired table of 7 up to $7 \times 6$, as shown below.

7 Times Table - Explanation & Examples (2)

Using this method, students will quickly learn the 7 times table up to the sixth multiple of 7 and memorize the rest of the multiples separately.

  • Addition: This is an easy and effective method, and this method can be used to learn any table, but the downside is that this method is lengthy, tedious, and the calculations take time. This method is good if students want to learn and memorize the first 10 multiples of 7.

    Students can use this method along with the recitation of the 7 times table to help them memorize the table quickly. As the name suggests, this method involves simple addition.

    For example, we start with digit 0, and if we add the number 7 to it, we get the first multiple of 7. Now, we can work out the next multiple of 7 by adding 7 to the previous multiple and so on.

7 Times Table - Explanation & Examples (3)

  • Recitation: This is the most popular adopted method in schools to help students memorize the 7 times table. If students have difficulty grasping previous tips and tricks to learn the 7 times table, they can use this method. Students can recite the 7 times table loudly and repeatedly. Once they have memorized it, it will be easier for them to develop their basic understanding.

    Recitation can be done like:

  • Seven times one is 7
  • Seven times two is 14
  • Seven times three is 21
  • Seven Times four is 28
  • Seven times five is 35
  • Seven times six is 42
  • Seven times seven is 49
  • Seven times eight is 56
  • Seven times nine is 63
  • Seven times ten is 70

Table of 7 from 1 to 20:

We can write a complete table of 7 from 1 to 20 as:

Numerical Representation

Descriptive Representation

Product (Answer)

$7 \times 1$

Seven times one$7$
$7 \times 2$Seven times two


$7 \times 3$

Seven times three$21$
$7 \times 4$Seven times four


$7 \times 5$

Seven times five$35$
$7 \times 6$Seven times six


$7 \times 7$

Seven times seven$49$
$7 \times 8$Seven times eight


$7 \times 9$

Seven times nine$63$
$7\times 10$Seven times ten


$7\times 11$

Seven times eleven$77$
$7\times 12$Seven times twelve


$7\times 13$

Seven times thirteen$91$
$7 \times 14$Seven times fourteen


$7 \times 15$

Seven times fifteen$105$
$7 \times 16$Seven times sixteen


$7 \times 17$

Seven times seventeen$119$
$7 \times 18$Seven times eighteen


$7 \times 19$

Seven times nineteen$133$
$7 \times 20$Seven times twenty


Example 1: Calculate 7 times 1 times 7 minus 20


7 times 1 times 7 minus 20 can be written as:

$ 7\times1 \times 7 – 20$

$ = 7\times 7 – 20$

$ = 49 – 20$

$ = 29$

Example 2: What is the 6th multiple of 7?


We know the first 10 multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, and 60.

So, the 6th multiple is 42.

Example 3: Using the 7 times table, calculate the number of weeks in a month.


We know that a month can contain a minimum of 28 and a maximum of 31 days.

We know the first 5 multiples of the number 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35. So, the 4th multiple is 28, so a month contains 4 weeks.

7 Times Table - Explanation & Examples (4)

Practice Questions:

  1. Eve works 4 days a week. Using the 7 times table, determine how many days does she work in 7 weeks?
  2. Calculate 7 times 2 minus 10 times 7?
  3. Find the value of “Y” if “Y x 7 = 63”.
  4. From the given table, select the numbers which are multiples of 7

Answer Key

1) Eve works 4 days a week. A week contains 7 days. So total number of working days in 7 weeks

$4\times 7 =28$ days.

2) 10 times 7 minus 2 times 7 can be written as:

$ 10\times 7 – 2\times 7$

$ = 70 – 14$

$ = 56$

3) $ Y \times 7 = 63 $

We know $7\times 9 =63$, so

$ Y = 9 $.


7 Times Table - Explanation & Examples (2024)


How to remember 7x7? ›

Other Tips to Remember 7 x 7 = 49

Seven touchdowns (and extra points) add up to 49. Kevin and Devin stood in a line, 7 times 7 is 49. Seven stories down into the mine, 7 times 7 is 49. Seven tickled seven while waiting in line, 7 times 7 is 49.

What is the pattern in the 7 times table? ›

There are no obvious patterns or quick tricks like for the 9 times table. However, there is an easy way to help students remember 7 x 8 = 56. The answer to 7 x 8 is the two numbers that come before the numbers being multiplied (i.e. 5, 6, 7, 8).

What is the 7 times strategy? ›

The Rule of 7 asserts that a potential customer should encounter a brand's marketing messages at least seven times before making a purchase decision.

What is the 7 table rule? ›

The divisibility rule of 7 states that, if a number is divisible by 7, then “the difference between twice the unit digit of the given number and the remaining part of the given number should be a multiple of 7 or it should be equal to 0”. For example, 798 is divisible by 7. Explanation: The unit digit of 798 is 8.

What is the fastest way to memorize multiplication tables? ›

Tip # 1 for memorizing multiplication tables: use flashcards! I'm not going to beat around the bush here: the fastest way to memorize multiplication tables is to use flashcards. One flashcard per sum, with the question on one side and the answer on the other.

Is there a rhyme for 7x7? ›

8x8- I ate and ate until I was sick on the floor! Eight times eight is sixty-four! 7x7- Seven times seven is good and fine; seven times seven in forty-nine! 7x6- this fact, when written in order, shows the answer 56=7x8 — 5,6,7,8 place the 5 and 6 together to get 56, I like to chant five!

How to explain times tables to a child? ›

8 Effective Tips for Teaching Times Tables
  1. Hang up a times table sheet. ...
  2. Make sure they can walk before they can run. ...
  3. Teach your kids some tricks. ...
  4. Listen to some fun songs. ...
  5. Stage a multiplication war. ...
  6. Draw a Waldorf multiplication flower. ...
  7. Quiz them regularly, but not incessantly. ...
  8. Reward their efforts.

Is there a rule for the 7 times table? ›

This is because 7 is a prime number and so the final digit 7 only appears again in 7 x 10 (=70). Also, the 7 times table does not have any helpful patterns like the times tables for even numbers do, nor are there any memorable rules like with the 3 and 9 times tables.

Why is 7 so hard to multiply? ›

If your child is learning multiplication facts the 7s times table will probably be one of the last they learn. That's because the 7s times table can be the most challenging. Why? Because 7 is a prime number.

What is the hardest multiplication table to memorize? ›

The hardest multiplication is 6×8, which students got wrong 63% of the time. This was closely followed by 8×6, then 11×12, 12×8 and 8×12. The easiest multiplication, on the other hand, was 1×12, which students got wrong less than 5% of the time, followed by 1×6 and 9×1.

What is the 7 times 7 rule? ›

This marketing principle is a maxim that was developed in the 1930s by the movie industry, who found through research that a potential moviegoer had to see a movie poster at least seven times before they would go to the theater to see a movie.

What is the rule of seven in teaching? ›

He suggested that in order for new language to be deeply learnt over time, it must be 'met' by the learner 7 times, in different ways. This 'rule of 7' is something that we can keep in mind when we teach vocabulary.

What is the best trick to remember tables? ›

5 Effective Ways To Learn Tables
  • Recite the table forward and backward. Start with 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 before moving to 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12 as the first set of numbers follows a noticeable pattern that is easy to remember.
  • Learn from easy to hard. ...
  • Practice skip counting. ...
  • Play math card war.
May 22, 2023

Can you use the nines trick to solve 6x7? ›

No. The nines trick only works up to 9 x 10.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.